The purpose of using an offset shaft is for obtaining a proper alignment because of one of the following reasons:
- Bent frame
- Excessively lowered or raised
- Sagging frame
- Factory frame error
You can also use offset shafts for enhancing the performance of your car by changing the alignment to a more aggressive setting. Offset shafts are great for:
- Performance street alignment
- Drag racing
- Road racing
- Autocross
Generally speaking if we are rebuilding a stock front end and it is within the budget, we will put offset shafts in every time.
As for installation, we will install the offset shaft so the tire will be pushed out of the fender, away from the motor. The engraved words on the motor side of the shaft will read Global West. However for road racing applications it will be most likely the opposite.
Photo above: The shaft on the left is a straight shaft (standard)
The shaft on the right is offset #704. The offset shows a shift to the left. That should be towards the wheel.
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